Prodoc III Setup Requirements

Before you begin

If you have any further questions, please contact the Prodoc Support team via our Contact form at

Prodoc III components

An instance of Prodoc III is comprised of 3 major components:

  • A Prodoc III Server running the Prodoc EDI Service
  • Prodoc III Client(s)
  • A SQL database instance

Prodoc III Server requirements

Server requirements

CPU Dual-core processor (x86 and x64 supported)
Disk Storage 20 GB free space before installation
Operating System Windows 7 or later
Windows Server 2012 R2 or later
Other Software Microsoft .NET 4.6.2 or later installed

The server functions of Prodoc are handled by the Prodoc EDI Service; the account running this service will require:

  • Local administrator rights
  • ‘dbo’ level access to the Prodoc SQL database
  • Access to any required network shares (such as folders for Import)

We recommend that a service account with no password expiry is created for this purpose.

Firewall protocols and rules

The following URLs are used by the Prodoc Server to make submissions to external services such as INTTRA or NZ Customs.

Please ensure the following sites are permitted for outbound connections, and that the connections are exempted from any network filtering, web traffic marshalling or deep-packet inspection, as this can cause the connections to fail due to cryptographic signature changes.

URL white-list (TCP 80/443)

API messaging services

SFTP (UDP 22 – outbound)

INTTRA messaging service


The Prodoc Server will need to be issued an email account if the server is to submit Certificates of Origin for signing/approval by local Chambers of Commerce, or if users are intending to email via the server.

The Prodoc team can confirm these requirements during the scoping process.

SQL instance requirements

Server requirements

Due to its 10GB database size limit, SQL Express should NOT be used for any customer submitting more than 700 shipments per year or submitting shipments with supporting ePhyto documentation.

Prodoc supports Microsoft SQL Server 2014 or later, both Full and Express.

A standard size Prodoc SQL database generally consumes approximately 2-8 GB of hard-disk space, but will grow over time as shipments/submissions are generated.

Prodoc does not require an isolated instance, and the database can exist alongside existing hosted SQL databases.

Connections can be made either with TCP/IP or named pipe using the standard Microsoft setup.

Database permissions/rights

The account running Prodoc EDI Service will require ‘dbo’ access to the database

Users will require read/write access to the database as their logged-in user; we recommend the creation of a security principal mapped to an AD group to grant this access to Prodoc users.


Both the Prodoc III Client and Server components communicate directly with the database, and will do so frequently during normal operations. As such, care should be taken when placing the Prodoc database to avoid potential latency or bandwidth issues.

Prodoc III Client requirements

Hardware requirements

CPU Dual-core processor (x86 and x64 supported)
Disk Storage 20 GB free space before installation

500MB per each user

Operating System Windows 7 or later
Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Server) and Citrix VAD supported
Display 1920×1080 (Full HD) or higher resolution – Note Prodoc does not support screen scaling. Any scaling set other that 100% is not part of our testing process.
Other Software Microsoft .NET 4.6.2 or later installed

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Prodoc can be set on a global system level to either email using the user’s local instance of Microsoft Outlook, or by providing a Prodoc Mail window to send via the Prodoc EDI Service.

Documents emailed out of Prodoc are standard PDF files, with an approximate size of 80-120kb per page.